Hello everyone! Long time no blog. Sorry iv been busy with basketball, hockey, and my vacations! First off I would like to wish everyone a happy new year! So almost everyone has been criticized in there life. For me it's constantly. I get told how bad I am at this and that but to me I don't care. Mostly because I know it. But also it's not important. Just ignore criticism! That's what actors, writers, dancers, ect. do! They all ignore criticism!
For those of you who are a little interested, I really like this girl and I have no idea how to impress her or make her like me. HELP!!! I suck with this kind of stuff! Maybe if she saw my blog it would impress her? Who knows? To bad I cant tell her to come check it out, I'm too scard she might hate me for it!
Sometimes criticism may be able to help you improve but it would be very hard to take. And maybe just start with a normal conversation and gradually start to make the conversation a bit longer. Soon you'll be able to talk to her often which is one worry out of the way and you'd finally be able to be confident enough to ask her to check out ur blog or whatever you want to do. :)