Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Ok, so I just had dinner and it was good. My sister's boy-friend brought apple pie, my favorite. So I was the first done dinner and I wanted to try that pie. But I wasn't allowed to cut it. Why you may ask, because they think im fat and was going to take a huge peice. So I was begging someone to cut the pie for me otherwise I was going to get in trouble. So my mom and sister began to argue about who was going to park on the road. 10 minutes later I got P.Oed but I kept my cool and went to my room insted. Next thing I know I hear yelling, screaming, and laughter. I leave my room to find my sister crying in her room, my mom and her boy-friend trying to get in. I go out to the kitchen and see the pie... still un-cut. So im heading back to my room and instead my mom calls me over and tells me to open the door, mean-while my mom and her boy-friend are sweet talking her so she will stop crying. I went back to my room and just watched t.v speechless. Why you may ask, because when-ever I get upset and go to my room and sit infront of the door, I get in trouble and yelled at no matter what. But it happens so offten now that I am used to it. So insted of getting too upset I just kept my cool because I know god cares for me and so do my friends at sports. So if you ever have that happen to you, keep your cool and relax. Tomorrow is another day were it can get better. You have friends that you can talk to, sports to play, and god to love you, and no matter what, you always have at least one of those.


  1. That's true. God does care for u and he would hate to see u upset. Great post! :)

  2. By the way the word verification pops up whenever i want to post a comment, u can get rid of that by going to settings in ur dashboard and then go to the tab comments then scroll down and go to 'Show word verification for comments?' and then click on no. :)
