Thursday, 13 October 2011


So the title says looks and on my earlyer post (More Me) I had told you a story about my looks. But this blog isn't about facial looks, it's about physicl looks too. I'm not the most attractive guy around. I don't have muscles showing like mad like most guys. In matter of fact, I am told everyday that I am fat. But looks don't matter. If god wanted you to look any different, he would of made you different. You don't need to change what you look like so that someone will like you or anything like that. I'll admite I personaly have/am tring to change my looks, but that is because I would like to just see myself in a different way. But the way god made you is the way your ment to be, no matter what. Don't let anyone tell you anything different.

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing. I don't see myself as the most attractive either. In fact, people used to see me as an unathletic nerd. This post touched me
